Technical Requirement for Students
For students, you need to prepare the following for live online learning sessions:
- A computer/laptop
- Microphone
- Earphone/Headphone
- Stable internet connection
- UTM eLearning account
- Install the necessary software (eg. Zoom Meeting/Webex Meeting)
- A quiet learning environment is recommended to avoid distractions
Technical Requirement for Lecturers
For lecturers, you have to make sure that you are ready with the followings:
- A computer/laptop
- Microphone
- Earphone/Headphone
- Stable internet connection
- UTM eLearning account / Webex Meeting / Zoom Meeting account
- A quiet environment to avoid distraction is recommended
For complaint related to online learning services, please contact:
For students helpdesk, please contact :
For lecturers helpdesk, please contact: IT manager of your own school/faculty